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The Alan Jackson Experience - A tribute

The Alan Jackson Experience - A tribute
Is there ever "Too Much of a Good Thing"? 

We don't think so! Espeically when it comes to the music of a once-in-a-generation singer-songwriter like country music icon Alan Jackson. 

Following a storied career tha tnetted him over 40 #1 hits and so many more top 10 singles and albums why wouldn't someone want to pay tribute to a person like that. 

Enter Aaron Halliday, he recongized early on in his own career that Alan had something special happening, and having covered so many of Alan's songs early, when Alan started releasing music, made for an easy transition to a full blown tribute to someone he already admired. 

Some of the most common remarks following the show are "I've seen Alan (enter # here) times and it was just like being there again!" OR "Are you related to Alan? You could be twins!" and the list goes on... 

So in 2024 we hit the road again to bring the msuic that makes us "Remeber When" we had a "Good Time" deraming about the "Chattahoochee" and realizing that no, there is no such thing as "Too Much of a Good Thing" 
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