Casino Regina

Casino Regina

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Information Casino Regina Box Office Hours
10am – 6pm non-show / event nights
10am – 8pm on show / event nights

1880 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 0B2
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Geordie Kieffer

Geordie Kieffer
Geordie Kieffer (/JOR-dee KEE-fur/); doesn’t f*ck around. The impish, self-proclaimed “God Father of Agro Pop” writes hard core pop bangers that bark and bite, drawing influence from both his questionable past and the city-wide playground of his L.A. hometown. His sound is something novel: a sexy and gritty escapade through Pop, Hip-Hop and Electro that dives head first into your brain and just won’t get out. Like a charming outlaw dwelling on the outskirts of pop music, Geordie Kieffer is dangerous and oddly refreshing. 

VIP + Sound Check Experience - $80 plus taxes and fees

VIP Balcony ticket for Geordie Kieffer plus an opportunity to enter the venue 30 minutes prior to regular doors to watch Geordie sound check, get best stage position and first access to new tour merch before regular General Admission. NOTE: This does not include a Meet & Greet. 

VIP Meet & Greet - $200 plus taxes and fees

A chance to meet Geordie Kieffer for a brief interaction and picture. Only 25 meet & greets available. Also includes a VIP ticket to the show and soundcheck experience 30 minutes prior to regular doors.
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